Load the course files for the asset from the /NonCompliance_Content/SCORM folder appropriate for your LMS.
Completion criteria
The supplied test course contains an assessment. For the purpose of testing, the mastery score is set at 25%.
To achieve a COMPLETE status, you can either:
Achieve an assessment score that is higher than 25%
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Recommended test process
Create new user account in the LMS.
Assign a test course to this account.
Login to the LMS as the new user.
Launch the course.
Confirm the Skillsoft Course loads.
Exit the course, and return to the LMS.
Confirm the status for the course in the LMS shows the appropriate message for a session that is INCOMPLETE.
Launch the course again.
Once the course loads, progress through the first topic of the course.
Exit the course, and return to the LMS.
Confirm the course status in the LMS shows the appropriate message for a session that is INCOMPLETE, and includes the session time (if displayed by the LMS).
Launch the course again. The course table of contents should indicate the first topic is complete and you are starting the second topic.
Take the assessment and attempt to score below the mastery of 25%. Note the score achieved.
Exit the course, and return to the LMS.
Confirm the course status in the LMS shows the appropriate message for a session that is INCOMPLETE, a session time (if displayed by the LMS), and the score achieved.
Note: Some LMSs may mark the status as FAILED, as the Skillsoft metadata contains a value for the mastery score which, as per the standards, allows the LMS to judge completion status and override the INCOMPLETE status the Skillsoft course would have returned.
Launch the course again. The course table of contents should indicate the first topic is completed and you are starting the second topic
Retake the assessment and attempt to score above the mastery of 25%. Note the score achieved.
Exit the course, and return to LMS.
Confirm the status in LMS shows the appropriate message for a session that is COMPLETE, a session time (if displayed by the LMS) and the score achieved.