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The AI_AcknowledgeAssetMetaData Web Service tells OLSA that the specified active AI_InitiateAssetMetaData/ AI_PollForAssetMetaData/ AI_AcknowledgeAssetMetaData transaction is completed. It also deletes the zip file created by AI_InitiateAssetMetaData.

This Web Service can also be called by omitting the handle argument. This means it will invalidate any active AI_InitiateAssetMetaData/ AI_PollForAssetMetaData /AI_AcknowledgeAssetMetaData transaction. The update time will not be modified. This effectively performs a reset function so the customer application can restart a sequence from the most recently established update time.

Note: This web service does not operate on files with handles generated by AI_GetMultipleAssetMetaData.



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