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The AI_GetAiccAssetMetaData Web Service allows the customer to retrieve AICC metadata on a single asset. The assetId argument specifies the asset to retrieve.

This Web Service does not affect calls to AI_InitiateAssetMetaData, whether using the “all” or “delta” modes.

The XML returned has tags defined to describe the different AICC files such as CRS, CST, AU, DES and ORT. The following example located in Output shows the response returned from this function.


Output Example

<aiccmetadata id='assetid'>

<crs> <![CDATA[<crs file as string>]]></crs>

<au> <![CDATA[<au file as string>]]></au>

<des> <![CDATA[<des file as string>]]></des>

<cst> <![CDATA[<cst file as string>]]></cst>

<ort> <![CDATA[<ort file as string>]]></ort>


Additional Faults

The following table lists additional faults this service may produce, along with the error condition that causes the fault.




The group or asset does not exist.