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This web service creates a new user group in the OLSA environment. A user group can only be created in a single parent group.



Additional Faults

The following table lists the faults this service may produce, the fault string, and possible causes for the fault.


Condition (response <faultstring>)

Possible Cause


The user group already exists.

The Group already exists.

The parameter for groupCode and groupTitle is missing.



'ORGCODE' field is too long. Max 240 characters

The groupCode parameter value is too long.

'TITLE' field is too long. Max 240 characters

The groupTitle parameter value is too long.

Problem encountered with parentGroupCode XYZ_Group

The 'XYZ_Group' parent group does not exist.

The value entered for the group parameter is invalid.

Error: No Group Title Specified

The groupTitle parameter value is missing.