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This web service removes a user from an existing user group or groups in the OLSA environment. A user must always be a member of at least one group. This command does not delete the user.

Note: If you are using OLSA with Privacy Support enabled, when invoking this web service, you must specify the login name of a user created using the UM_CreateUserExtended web service, not the login name of a user created in SkillPort. This is because a hashed login name is required by this web service, and only OLSA (not SkillPort) creates this type of login name.



Additional Faults

The following table lists the faults this service may produce, the fault string, and possible causes for the fault.


Condition (response <faultstring>)

Possible Causes



Could not find the group

The groupCode parameter is missing, or the value is missing.

Could not find the group groupx

The groupx does not exist, or the value entered is invalid.

/ug_00000010/user1 unlink failed. AssignUserToGroup: Can't remove user user1 from groupX. User not in group.

User1 is not in groupx.



/ug_00000010/null unlink failed. null is not a valid user.&#10;

The userName parameter is missing.

/ug_00000010/ unlink failed. is not a valid user.&#10;

The userName value is missing.