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Modify Books24x7 Collection Entitlements

Entitling Books24x7 collections to users and groups makes those collections available to them. You can entitle book collections to:

You can directly entitle Books24x7 collections to all top-level groups and sub-groups as needed. If you assign a collection to a group, it is inherited by all members of the group and all members of all child groups.

Note: Directly assigning collections to a user or child group overrides all inherited assignments for that user or group. For this reason, when you make direct assignments, be sure to assign all of the intended collections. To restore the inherited assignments, you must change the assignment to INHERITED (as described below), which automatically removes all direct assignments.

To modify the Books24x7 collection entitlements for a group or user

  1. In Skillport Administrator, click Users and Groups > User Management from the top navigation bar.

    The User Management page displays.

  2. In the left panel, find the group or find the user whose assignments you want to modify, and select the group or user.
  3. In the right panel, click Books24x7 Assignment.

    The entitled collections display. By default, individual users inherit their group's Books24x7 collection.

  4. If you want to change the Books24x7 entitlements for a user or group, do the following:
    1. Click Edit Group Assignments (if assignments have not yet been made to the group) or Override Inherited Assignments (if the group currently has assignments).

      The Books24x7 Assignment dialog box displays.

      Books24x7 Assignments interface for a user

    2. Specify the collections to entitle:
    1. Click Save.
  5. To modify overridden user or group entitlements, click Edit Individual Assignments and make your selections.