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Create a Schedule

Before creating a schedule, it is important to understand how the schedule dates and the template date filters relate to each other. See Understanding Date Settings for more information.

To create a schedule

  1. Click Templates and select either the Default or Personal tab.
  2. Select the desired template.
  3. Click Schedule. The Save Schedule dialog displays with a Properties tab and an Email tab.

    Enhanced Reporting Save Schedule Once Dialog

  4. In the Properties tab complete all fields as described below.
  5. In the Schedule section, select the type of schedule you want to create from the drop down. Complete all fields as described below.

    Note: The time zone for all schedule Start times is UTC.

    One Time Schedule

    Daily Schedule

    Weekly Schedule

    Monthly Schedule

    If desired, click the Email tab to configure the Email Notifications feature.

  6. Click OK. The schedule displays on the Schedules window.