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Assign a Learning Plan to a Demographic Group

Video icon Watch: Create a Learning Plan for a Demographic Group within Advanced Compliance

To create a learning plan assignment for a group

  1. Click the Demographic Groups > Learning Plan Assignments on the navigation bar.

    The Create Learning Plan Assignments page displays.

  2. To search for a demographic group, enter the search criteria in Filter Groups. You can enter either a full or partial group title.
  3. In the Demographic Group(s) list, click Assign next to the desired group.

    The Learning Plan Assignments page displays.

  4. In the Select from Course Catalog section, select a requirement (or use Ctrl+Click to select multiple requirements) from the library. Alternately, you can enter a search term in Search Course Title. You can enter a full course title, a partial title, or partial words.
  5. In Type, specify whether the requirement is Required or Optional. Required assignments have a due date; optional assignments do not have a due date.
  6. In Passing Threshold, specify the score (percentage) required for the user to achieve a completion. The default value is 100%.

    Note: Some SCORM course players control the passing threshold in the course player and will not adhere to the passing threshold set in the LMS.

  7. In Initial Training:
    1. Select the option for when the course is due. Then, enter the number of days after receiving the course requirement that the course is due, or enter the calendar date when the course is due, depending on the selected option.

      Note: If a past calendar date is entered, the due date defaults to the same date the following year. For example, if an Initial Training date of 1/1/2014 is entered on 3/1/2014, the due date defaults to 1/1/2015.

    2. In Course will be available for initial training X days prior to due date, specify how many days prior to the due date the course will become available on the users' learning plans.

      To make the course available immediately, this number must be equal to or greater than the number of days until the course is due. For example, if you select the Initial Training to be due 90 days after the user receives the course and you want to make the course available to the user immediately, the availability value must be set to at least 90 days.

  8. In Retraining Assignment Type, select one of the following options to specify whether training is considered "retraining" and how long the training is valid, or if it is "one time only" training:
  9. If desired, enter information in Notes. Notes are for administrator use only and do not display on administrative reports.
  10. Click Add. The new learning plan assignment displays in the Course(s) list at the bottom of the page, and on the users' Learning Plans.
  11. Repeat steps 4-10 until all desired learning plans have been assigned to the demographic group.
  12. Click Done.