Enroll Users or Groups
To enroll users or groups in a learning program or LLC
- Access the current enrollments for the given program or course.
- If you want to individually enroll users instead of enrolling an existing group (or groups), click the Users tab in the Current Enrollments pane on the right. Otherwise, leave the Groups tab active.
Note: The previous step is not strictly required. That is, if you drag and drop a set of users to the Groups tab (or a set of groups to the Users tab), the application detects this and automatically changes the tabs accordingly for you. However, it can be helpful to preview the existing list of enrolled groups or users before you enroll additional ones.
- In the Users and Groups pane on the left, locate the users or groups that you want to enroll. You can do this in one of two ways:
- Browse the hierarchy of groups and users.
- Search for the groups or users using the search controls at the top of the page. If you are searching for a group, you can enter a group name or org code. If you are searching for users, you can enter a login name, first name, last name, or email address. You can also use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard that represents one or more characters.
- Select the users or groups that you want to enroll, drag them to the Current Enrollments pane, and drop them on the pane. To select multiple users or groups, use Shift-click and Ctrl-click.
Alternatively, you can select the users or groups, and then click beneath the two panes.
The users or groups are enrolled in the learning program or LLC.
- If prompted (because your site is configured to use enrollment-related notification emails), click Yes if you want to send a related email notification to the users or groups. If you do not, click No.
- If desired, create an entry in the learning plan for the users or groups that you enrolled:
- In the Current Enrollments pane, select the users or groups. (Use Shift-click or Ctrl-click to select multiple users or groups.)
- Click Configure Learning Plan at the top of the pane.
- In the Editing Learning Plan dialog box, enter the information as appropriate (see Managing Assets in Learning Plans).
Note that if you specify a relative due date for a learning asset that you are assigning to a group, be aware that users who are added to the group at a later date will inherit the assignment when they are added to the group, but they will not have the same due date. Their due date will be relative to the date on which they were assigned the asset, which is the date on which they were added to the group.
For example, assume you add a course entitled Leadership to the learning plans for all members of a group (Marketing Group) on January 1, 2014; you also specify members of the Marketing Group must complete the Leadership course 3 months after you assign it, which means it is due April 1, 2014. On February 1, 2014, you add John to the Marketing Group. Because John is assigned Leadership one month later (when he is added to the group), his due date for the Leadership course is also one month later (May 1, 2014).
- Click OK.
Note: If a user has an existing administrator-assigned learning plan entry for the asset, this step updates the entry; it does not create a new one. In addition, be aware that you can modify thisentry later by returning to this page and repeating this step.
An icon displays in the Learning Plan column for the selected users or groups to indicate that they have a corresponding learning plan entry.