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Search Tips

The search engine ranks all search results not only by the number of occurrences of the search term, but also by their location. Results found in titles and headings are given greater weight than occurrences in the body of the text. Not only are search results listed in relevant order, but sections and topics within each course, book, or simulation are also ranked by relevancy, presenting the top results for single-click access to the content.

You may specify words or phrases alone or grouped in Boolean combinations. Phrases are groups of words enclosed in quotation marks.

The search engine is not case-sensitive.

The following are examples of search expressions:

  • Word proximity search: Content with the words closest together is ranked higher.

    Example: advanced project management

  • Exact phrase search: Content must match the phrase exactly to be part of the search results.

    Example: "advanced project management"

  • Boolean expressions: Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT. The NOT operator cannot be used alone; use the NOT operator with the AND operator. Use quotes to group search terms.

    Example: "project management" and not "cost estimating"

  • Word Truncation Expression: Use of the wildcard (*) character. You can use the wildcard operator at the end of a word, but not at the start or in the middle of a word.

    Example: project plan*

Searching for Specific Learning Assets

For the best results, search for the learning asset's ID number (such as a course number). If you are searching for a learning asset by its title, place the title in quotes to conduct an exact phrase search. This is particularly important if the title contains a Boolean operator (AND, OR, or NOT).

Example: "Budgeting and Financial Management: Planning Your Budget"