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Menu Options When Linking Evaluations

The following table describes the various controls and settings you can use when linking learning content to an evaluation.



Search for

Allows you to enter a specific title or keyword to narrow your search results.

  • The Search Results tab displays the returned results.
  • Click Show Details to learn more about a specific content item before linking it to an evaluation.


Select one of the content types from the drop-down list to narrow your search results.


Select one of the available languages from the drop-down list to narrow your search results.

Show Unlinked

When selected, displays all unlinked content items that can be linked to an evaluation. This is selected by default.

Show All

Displays all linked and unlinked content items that can be linked to an evaluation.


Select to unlink a content item from an evaluation.


Select this option to make completing an evaluation required after completing the linked content.

  • An evaluation automatically opens after the content item is completed.
  • If the user does not complete the evaluation, a reminder message displays whenever the user subsequently logs in to Skillport.

Note: This option is only available with specific learning content types. See Link an Evaluation to Learning Content for a complete list.


Select this option to make completing an evaluation for a specific content item optional.