inGenius - Detailed by Community
Provides detailed information about the inGenius users and their activity in the system for a specified period.
BCS Report Parameter: ingenius_user_detailed_by_user
Filter Controls
Activity Date Range
- Description: Allows the user to determine the date range for all activity for the report.
- Control Type: Multi-option
Use the following parameters to set start and end dates.
- BCS Parameter: report_start_date (optional)
- Possible Values: <date_value in the format MM/DD/YYYY>
- Default Value: the first day of the preceding calendar month
- BCS Parameter: report_end_date (optional)
- Possible Values: <date_value in the format MM/DD/YYYY>
- Default Value: 'now', or the last successful database refresh
Use the following parameters to set dates for a number of previous intervals, such as, "previous 3 months."
- BCS Parameter: report_date_period (required)
- Possible Values: 1 (Days), 2 (Weeks), 3 (Months), 4 (Years)
- Default Value: 3
- BCS Parameter: report_date_period_count (required)
- Possible Values: valid numeric value with the following maximum value for each report_date_period:
Days - 9999
Weeks - 999
Months - 999
Years - 99
- Default Value: 1
- BCS Parameter: report_to_date (optional)
If you are using report_date periods, report_to_date=true will include all activity for the requested periods plus activity in the current period up to the current date and time. If report_to_date=false, the report will only include activity for the requested periods.
- Possible Values: true or false
- Default Value: true
- Example:
- If report_to_date = true, the end date is always the date the report is run, up to and including the most recent database refresh.
- If report_to_date = false, the end date is the last day of the previous interval. For instance, if today is December 31, the ‘Previous [n] Months’ ends on November 30 and the ‘Previous [n] Years’ ends on December 31 of the prior year.
- BCS Parameter: display_units (optional and used in chart templates only)
- Possible Values: 1 (Year), 2 (Quarter), 3 (Months), 4 (Weeks), 5 (Days)
- Default Value: 3
- Description: Provides the ability to select one, many, or all communities in the filter criteria.
- Control Type: Multi-select list
- BCS Parameter: community_picker
- Possible Values: CSV list of <any_community_id> values
- Default Value: All available
User Status
- Description: Provides the ability to specify user statuses.
- Control Type: Multi-select
- BCS Parameter: user_status
- Possible Values: 1 (activated), 2 (deactivated)
- Default Value: Activated
Display Options
Include Timestamps
- Description: Includes timestamps in all date fields in the report.
- Control Type: Single-select check box
- BCS Parameter: show_date_with_time
- Possible Values: 0 (don’t show), 1 (show)
- Default Value: Show
Time Zone Selector
- Description: Provides a list of standard time zones so you can display the times in your local time zone. This does not affect the actual UTC time of the activity. Default value is UTC.
- Control Type: Single-select
- BCS Parameter: time_zone
- Possible Values: see BCS SubmitReport Time Zones for a list of acceptable values
- Default Value: GMT
Required Columns
Abuses Reported Against
- Description: Number of abuses reported by other users for the specified time period.
- BCS Value: ingenius_user_abuses_reported
Comments Added
- Description: The number of comments added by the user during the specified time period.
- BCS Value: ingenius_count_comments_added
Community Name
- Description: The name of the community associated with the report.
- BCS Value: ingenius_community_name
First Name
- Description: The user's first name.
- BCS Value: user_first_name
- Description: Number of users following the specified user.
- BCS Value: ingenius_user_count_followers
Last Name
- Description: The user's last name.
- BCS Value: user_last_name
Recommendations Made
- Description: The number of recommendations made by the user during the specified time period.
- BCS Value: ingenius_count_recommendations_made
User Logins
- Description: The number of user logins for the reporting period.
- BCS Value: count_of_platform_sessions
Users Followed
- Description: Number of users the specified user is following.
- BCS Value: ingenius_user_users_followed
Default Columns
- Description: The email address of the user.
- BCS Value: cud_user_email
Last Skillport Login Date
- Description: The most recent date that a user logged into Skillport.
- BCS Value: cud_last_Skillport_login
Profile Creation Date
- Description: Date and time this user created his/her inGenius Profile.
- BCS Value: ingenius_user_profile_creation_date
Profile Status
- Description: User's profile status (i.e. public or private).
- BCS Value: ingenius_user_profile_status
- Description: User's login name.
- BCS Value: skillport_username
Optional Columns