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Assignment Groups versus Organizational Groups

To use organizational groups and assignment groups effectively, it is important to understand when to use these two types of groups.

Organizational Groups

Assignment Groups

Have members who belong to the same organization, for example, the Marketing department.

Have members who can belong to any organization.

Control access to some Administrator functions such as reporting capabilities and the management of users and groups. For more information, see User Privileges by Role.

Do not control access to functionality. Only control the assignment of learning assets to users.

Can have a hierarchy. That is, organizational groups can contain other organizational groups.

Are non-hierarchical. All assignment groups are located under a top-level group named Assignment Groups.

Assignment groups cannot contain other groups—neither organizational groups nor other assignment groups.

Because assignment groups are non-hierarchical, you cannot copy or move other groups into them.

Can be moved into other organizational groups. However, they cannot be moved into assignment groups.

Cannot be moved into other groups. Assignment groups can only exist under the top-level group named Assignment Groups.

In addition, you cannot change an assignment group into an organizational group.

Are required. Users must belong to at least one organizational group.

Are optional. Users do not need to belong to assignment groups.

Can be viewed and managed by company administrators, administrators, and managers depending on how the groups are set up. The specific functions available depend on his or her role. For more information, see User Privileges by Role.

Can be viewed and managed by company administrators, administrators, and managers if they have the Assignment Group Access custom privilege. The specific functions available depend on his or her role. For more information, see Working with Assignment Groups.

Allow you to create users within them and move users between them.

Do not let you create users within them or move users between them. You can only copy users into assignment groups

Are always accessible.

Are only accessible if the feature has been enabled by a super administrator.