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Monitor Community Abuse

Note: To access this page, you must log in as a Manager or above who has been designated as a social community administrator. For more information about user roles, see User Privileges by Role.

Community comments reported as abuse display on the Moderate Community Comments page. The social community administrator can edit the comment, delete the comment, or remove the abuse flag without action.

To review a comment marked as abuse

  1. From the Quick Links menu in Skillport Learner, click Admin.

    The Skillport Administrator home page displays.

  2. Click the Content tab.
  3. Click Moderate Communities.

    The reported incidents of abuse display.

  4. Click the comment you wish to review, then perform one of the following actions.

To modify the comment

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Modify the text.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click the comment again to highlight it.
  5. Click Remove Abuse Flag.

    The comment updates and the flag is removed.

To delete the comment

  • Click Delete.

    The comment is deleted from the thread.

To leave the comment as-is

  • Click Remove Abuse Flag.

    The comment remains as it was written by the community member.