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Sessions I am Teaching

As an instructor, you can manage many of the details related to the ILT sessions you deliver. You can view a list of sessions you are teaching, including session number, status, type, catalog number and title, and also manage the session roster.

To view the session information

  1. Log in to Skillport as an Instructor and navigate to the Admin area.
  2. Click Content > ILT > Sessions I Am Teaching. The Sessions I Am Teaching page displays:

    Sessions I Am Teaching

  3. Select the session you want to view. The session details display.
  4. Click Cancel to return to Skillport.

You can click a session ID to view session details on your upcoming sessions, edit session information, and, once completed, input student progress results.

When you are assigned a session to teach, you will receive an email notification with the session details, or if a session you are teaching is canceled, you will receive an email notification of the cancelation.