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Detailed by User

Displays the users who enrolled and/or participated in the selected ILT courses during the specified date range sorted by user, course, and session.

Note: When an ILT Administrator changes a session schedule after the session has been set to Completed, Skillport reporting does not reflect this change. Reports only reflect the data as recorded in the database at the time the session is marked as complete; additional changes do not render.

BCS Report Parameter: ilt_roster_by_user

Filter Controls


Custom Filters

Filter Date Range

ILT Course Status

ILT Session Enrollment Status

ILT Session Status

ILT Session Type

Time Zone

User Status


User Profile

Display Options

Include Timestamps

Select Subgroups

Show Multi-Group

Required Columns

ILT Course Title

Session ID

Session Type


Default Columns

Course Language

Enrollment Status

First Name

ILT Course ID

Last Name

Manager Approval Required


Session Attended

Session End Date

Session Enrollment Status

Session Passed

Session Start Date

Session Status

Optional Columns

Administrator Session Notes

Approval Manager First Name

Approval Manager ID

Approval Manager Last Name

Display First Name

Display Last Name


Extended Attribute Name

Group Name

Group Org Code

Group Path

Instructor Can Manage Roster


Scheduled Course Duration

Session Administrator 1

Session Administrator 2

Session Administrator 3

Session Approval Required

Session Approver

Session Capacity

Session Classroom

Session Facility Name

Session Instructor

Session Registration Date

Student Session Notes