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User Roles

A user's role determines his privileges to the various functions in the Skillport Administrator.

For details about specific privileges each role has within Skillport, see User Privileges by Role. For details about additional privileges you can assign to each role, see Custom User Privileges.

The following roles are available in Skillport:

  • Company Admin: This user has access to most features and functions in Skillport; this is your site-wide administrator. Company Admins can administer all users on the site, regardless of group membership, and administer Advanced Groups.
  • Admin: This user has access to a subset of features and functions in the Skillport Administrator. Admins can administer only those users in the group hierarchies to which they are a member.
  • Manager: This user has even more limited access to the Skillport Administrator than an administrator. Managers can administer only those users in the group hierarchies to which they are a member.
  • End User: This user does not have access to the Skillport Administrator. A user with this role uses the site only to use the instructional content.
  • ILT Roles: If your organization uses Instructor Led Training, see ILT Roles for a complete description of the available roles.