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Understanding Keywords

A keyword is a word or phrase that you can link to an asset, for example, a course or a book. If the search phrase that you enter includes that word or phrase, the linked asset is returned in the search results.

Keywords allow you to associate assets with specific identifiers, such as corporate buzzwords, job titles, skill classification descriptors, and common misspellings. This makes it easier for learners and administrators to search for and find relevant instructional material.

A keyword can be associated with one or more assets, and an asset can have one or more associated keywords.

Asset Searches Using Keywords

Users can use keyword searches to search for associated assets anywhere that asset searches are possible, for example, using SEARCH&LEARN in Skillport or using the search fields in the Catalog Assigner in the Skillport Administrator.

When you use a wild card in a search expression, the assets associated with all applicable keywords are returned. For example, if you enter program*, then the assets linked to all keywords beginning with "program," such as "programming" and "programmer," are returned.

Note: You can only use a wild card at the end of a search term.

Support for Multiple Languages

You can define keywords in any language that is supported by the Unicode character set. For example, you can create an English keyword for a Chinese asset, and vice versa.

Invisible Keywords

Keywords can be visible or invisible to learners. If they are visible, learners can see them on the summary pages of assets. If they are invisible, learners cannot see them. Invisible keywords can be useful in cases such as common misspellings.

Company Administrators can still see any keywords in the Learner UI that are invisible. However, these keywords are not visible to learners, managers, or administrators.