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Upload User Roles

You can use the Batch Add function to upload multiple ILT user roles from another system, spreadsheet, or data from a third party (such as an external session vendor).

Video icon Watch: Assign ILT Roles via Batch Add

To upload ILT roles

  1. Click Users & Groups > ILT Roles > User Role Batch Update.

    The ILT User Roles screen displays:

    Upload Users

  2. Next to the file type that you want to upload, click Browse.

    The Choose File window displays.

  3. Navigate to the .csv file you want to upload.
  4. Click the .csv file to select it.
  5. Click Open.

    The path to your .csv file displays in the field.

  6. Click Validate to validate the .csv file.
  7. Click Upload.

    The upload process begins. If you have a valid email address, an email is sent containing the URL of a status report and the date and time of the batch submission.