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Asset Activity by Group

Displays the activity by asset for the members of each selected group.

BCS Report Parameter: learning_activity_asset_activity_by_group

Filter Controls

Activity Date Range


Asset Type

Completion Status

Custom Filters

Filter Date Range

Select Subgroups

User Status


User Profile

Display Options

Include Timestamps

Only Show Assets Assigned Through Selected Groups’ Learning Plan

Time Zone

Required Columns

Asset Title

Group Name


Default Columns

Actual Duration

  • For ILT assets, the value includes the total duration for all days of the session.

Asset ID

  • For ILT assets, value is the ILT course code, for instance: ilt_persp1.

Asset Sub-type

Asset Type

Completion Date

  • For ILT assets, the value is the date of the last session. The completion date only appears if the learner passed.

Completion Status

  • For ILT assets, this value is blank if the learner has not passed the course.

Current Score

Enrollment Date

Expected Duration

  • For ILT assets, the value includes the total duration for all days of the session.

First Access Date

  • For ILT assets, the value is the date of the first date of this session, regardless of whether it falls within the Activity Date Range.

First Name

Group Org Code

High Score

HTML Page Reads

Last Access Date

  • For ILT assets, the value is the date of the last date of this session, which is the same as the completion date. This date will always be within the Activity Date Range.

Last Name


Times Accessed

Times Restarted

Optional Columns

Actual Test Attempts

Approval Manager First Name

Approval Manager ID

Approval Manager Last Name

Display First Name

Display Last Name

Download Date


Group Path

Last Skillport Login Date


Max Test Attempts

Skillport Registration Date

Times Downloaded

User Status