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Install the Skillsoft Course Manager

You only have to install the Skillsoft Course Manager (SCM) once; however, you must download content for each course you want to take offline.

To install the SCM

  1. Locate the asset that you want to download by:
  2. Click More Actions beneath the asset's title.
  3. Click Download. A new window opens and you are prompted to install the SCM.
  4. Click OK to begin installation of the SCM.
  5. In the Language list, select a language for the SCM, and click Install.
  6. On the Download Skillsoft Course Manager page, do the following:
    1. Click Show License, read the license agreement that appears in a separate window, and then select the check box to indicate your agreement to its terms.
    2. Specify the installation options:
    • Install All Content Players: If you select this option, you will not have to download a course-specific player when you download course content later.
    • Install Help Files: Downloads the SCM Help documentation.
    • Install and enable Accessibility support: Installs and enables section 508 support. If you select this option, the ability to select lessons and topics in courses is disabled.
  7. Click Continue to begin the installation.

    Note: There may be a delay while the installation application downloads. The installation time depends on your network speed and the options you specified.

  8. When the installation is complete, click OK in the pop-up notification window.
  9. Close and reopen your browser.
  10. Sign back in to Skillport.

    The SCM initializes itself.