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View ILT Sessions

On the Instructor Led Training (ILT) Sessions page, you can view information on the sessions of one or many courses, enroll or withdraw from sessions, or join a virtual session delivered via a web conferencing platform.

To view the list of ILT sessions

  1. Sign in to Skillport.
  2. Access the Instructor Led Training Sessions page using one of the following options:
    • Click Quick Links > Instructor Led Training Sessions at the top of the page.
    • Under Upcoming Events, click Instructor Led Training Sessions.

    The Instructor Led Training Sessions page displays the following information:

    • Course Title: The title of the ILT course.
    • #ID: The session ID number.
    • Start: The start date and time of the course.
    • End: The end date and time of the course.
    • City: The city where the course will be held.
    • Instructor: The instructor who will teach the course.
    • Session Status: The status of the session. Options are New, Pending, and Confirmed.

Note: The session is only guaranteed when the status is Confirmed.