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Apply Custom Filters

Filter 1 and Filter 2 Custom filters

The Filter 1 and Filter 2 controls allow you to select an option, enter a value, and use an operator to display only data that matches the specific criteria. You can use only one of the filters, or you can choose an option for Filter 1, and then further define the criteria by choosing 'and', or 'or' for the option selected in Filter 2.

Each filter consists of a drop down with available options, a drop down with applicable operators, and a field for entering the appropriate value. Both the operator and the value field will automatically change depending on the type of option chosen.

For example, in the screen shot below, the option selected for Filter 1 is numerical. The operator drop down includes choices such as 'equal to', 'not equal to', 'less than', etc. The value field is a text field for entering numbers. The option selected for Filter 2 is date based. The operator drop down includes the choices 'on', 'on or before', and 'on or after'. The value field includes a calendar picker for entering a date.

Enhamced Reporting Comparison Filters

Note: For all fields that calculate a 'duration', such as Actual Duration or Average Duration per User, enter the value as a number of minutes. For example, 2:00 (2 hours) should be entered as 120.

The 'and' / 'or' option determines if you want the data returned to match both filter criteria, or the criteria from either filter.

When these filters are available, a minimum default list is included, but some templates also include report specific options. To see a list of options available for specific templates see Report Definitions.

Warning: Although the Custom filters are very powerful and flexible they are not the preferred way to filter general cases such as getting data for a specific user or asset. The criteria in these filters are applied to the data after the query is sent to the database. If these are the only filters applied, it may take several minutes for the report to run. Using the Group / Users filter or the Asset filter is much faster since these filters are applied before the query is sent to the database.

To apply the Custom filters

  1. From the Reports menu, click Templates.
  2. Select the desired template.
  3. Click Edit. The Template window displays.
  4. Click the Filter Options tab.
  5. If necessary, click the Filter Options drop down.
  6. Select an option from the Filter 1 drop down.
  7. Select an operator from those available.
  8. Enter a value in the value field.
  9. Optionally, select 'and' or 'or' from the drop down and repeat the above steps for the Filter 2 fields.