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Select Assets

The Asset Filter tab provides options for including or excluding assets, and selecting assets by type and sub-type. You can search for specific assets and you can filter by options such as Learning Program status, Books and Videos Collections, etc.

You can select a single asset, multiple assets, or an entire folder. If you select an entire folder of assets, all assets in the folder and its sub-folders will be included in the report results. For any templates that are saved with a folder selected in the asset filter, if the contents of the folder change at a later date then:

  • Any assets removed from the folder will not be included in the report results.
  • Any assets added to the folder will be included in the report results, if available.

Note: Assets that are added with a folder can also be added individually. However, data based on this asset will not be duplicated in the report results.

To access the Asset Filters

  1. From the Reports menu, click Templates.
  2. Select the desired template.
  3. Click Edit. The Template window displays.
  4. Click the Asset Filter tab.

Asset Filter

The Asset Filter can include the following sections:

  1. Asset Selector - Allows you to select specific assets. Content specific templates, such as Learning Program or KnowledgeCenters, will only display assets associated with that content type.
  2. Category/Sub-category Selector - Allows you to select assets by category and sub-category. Referred to as type and sub-type in report results.
  3. Selected Assets - Displays the selected list of assets you want to include in your results.
  4. Additional Filters - Displays a variety of filters based on the selected template.

Note: The screen shot above is an example of filter types included on the Asset Filter tab. This is not a representation of an actual template. Not all asset filters are included in every template.

Selecting Assets

To search for specific assets

  1. Enter your search criteria in the Search text field.

    Note: Use the % character for a wild card search. The * character is invalid in the Reporting asset search filter.

  2. Click Search. If found, the assets matching your search criteria will display in the Asset Selector section (section 1 in the graphic above), replacing the assets displayed by default.

To select specific assets

  1. From the Asset Selector, select the desired asset(s), or select an entire folder. The Add arrow enables.

    Note: The maximum number of assets selected for each report is limited to 1000.

  2. Click the Add Arrow, or drag and drop the assets. The assets, or folder, are added to the Selected Assets list.

To select asset types or sub-types

  1. In the Category Selector expand or collapse the list as desired.
  2. Select one or more types, or sub-types.

To remove selected assets

  1. In the Selected Assets list select the desired asset(s). The Remove button enables.
  2. Click Remove.

Note: The Asset and the Category filters are not related and are applied to the results sequentially. For instance, it is possible to select a specific Course from the Asset filter, but a Book category from the Category filter. This will produce an empty result set.

Using Additional Filters

Depending on the Template type accessed, the following filters may be available on the Asset Filter tab. To select an option choose from either a drop down or a multi-selection list. These filters may be the only filters on the tab, or they may display below the Asset and Category Filters.

  • Learning Program Status - Select All, Enrolled (but not started), Started, Completed, Declined, Pending, or Withdrawn
  • Live Learning Status - Select one or more live learning statuses. Started, Pending Approval, Completed, Declined, Withdrawn, Enrolled but not Started.
  • Books and Videos Subscription Selector - Select from one of the subscriptions available.
  • Books and Videos Collections Selector - Select one or more collections (Books and Videos) the user is entitled to.
  • Evaluation - Select one evaluation from the list. Changing the selection may modify the assets displayed in the Asset Selector list.