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Skillport 8 Patch 3 (8.0.2719) June 2013

Browse and Search

  • After search filters are applied, the number of Resources now displays correctly. (CR 139326)
  • When the "In My Learning Plan" filter is applied to refine a search, and no results are returned, the item type count totals of the previous results are now cleared. (CR 140691)
  • After refining search results, the issue where certain item types no longer display (when using breadcrumbs to navigate back to a previous search result) has been resolved. (CR 140881)
  • Clicking the "In My Learning Plan" filter to refine a search within search results no longer generates an error message. (CR 141183)
  • In search results, clicking a specific item type count (for example, Courses: 350 Results) now expands the list. (CR 141494)
  • When refining search results, specific content types now displays as expected. (CR 141497)
  • When browsing the Library, refining the display resulted in an incorrect count for Resources; this issue is now resolved. (CR 141507)
  • When clicking the Back button on a series Details page, the content type filters now display on the topic page. (CR141558)
  • The Back to Results link is available on single content type pages. (CR 141747)


  • Certification summaries now display as expected. (CR 138811)

Compliance (Recurring Items)

  • The status of non-recurring items no longer display the Recurrence icon. (CR 136422)

Live Events

  • On the Live Event Details page, the launch link is now removed after the video is no longer available. (CR 140018)

Learning Plan

  • In the Learning Transcript, the Change link displays properly. (CR 140800)
  • Learning Plan content now displays correctly in the Google Chrome browser. (CR 141798)


  • In the Credentialing > Summary by User and Summary by Credential report results, the Total Credits Earned column now includes the credits earned from a completed ILT item. (CR 139592)
  • Report Results sometimes included two records for a saved report result, one with a Queued status and one with a Completed status. This issue has been resolved. (CR 139894)

Skillport Administrator

  • Updating a custom course through Skillport Publisher now results in updated metadata appearing on the content Details page. (CR 136122)
  • On the What's New page, changing the Welcome Message to display as a formatted list no longer changes the size of the text. (CR 140880)
  • The Batch Upload report did not display as a link and the user was not able to generate the report; this has been resolved. (CR 141268)
  • The Batch Add/Update feature now creates users as expected. (CR 142902)

Skillport Learner

  • When Display First Name is set to Long, the name no longer overlaps the content. (CR 133304)
  • When using a MAC OS, the option to add an image to My Profile is now available. (CR 141168)
  • When an item has undefined Overview text, it no longer displays under the item's title (in search results, a learning plan or on the item's Details page) as its description. (CR 141408)


  • Videos now launch on an Android 4.1 tablet. (CR 131217)
  • Video content can now be viewed and downloaded on tablet devices. (CR 142191)