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Skillport 8 Patch 5 (8.0.2870) July 2013

Books and Videos

  • When viewing a KnowledgeCenter containing books, the author name now displays instead of null. (CR 141455)

External Learning Objects (ELOs)

  • Newly-created ELOs now display, as expected, under the assigned folder on the Library page. (CR 145957)

Featured Items

  • On a tablet device, in the Featured Item Details page, tapping an image now displays the content Details page, and the learner is no longer prevented from accessing the asset. (CR 143182)


  • You can now access videos within KnowledgeCenters. (CR 145177, 145178)


  • When attempting to edit the report templates, the page no longer loads to a white screen. (CR 144657)

Search and Browse

  • In the Search results page, selecting the filter "By Those I Follow" no longer displays the users followed instead of the recommended assets. (CR 129348)
  • Sorting results with the "Recommended" filter now changes the results listed as expected. (CR 132160)
  • In the Search Results page, refining a search with the "By me" checkbox now displays only those items the user has recommended. (CR 139127)
  • Search results now return comments that contain the search keyword. (CR 139176)
  • The Bookmark icon and Share icon now display as expected on Category pages in the Skillport Library and search results. (CR 142040)
  • Sometimes, the search returns an error that the script is taking too long to load. (CR 142692)
  • When browsing the Library in compatibility mode, the Bookmark icon now displays as expected. (CR 143696)
  • Books within the search results now display the number of pages instead of the Undefined value. (CR 145510)

Skillport Administrator

  • You can now assign the Curator role to users. (CR 143981)