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Inherited Learning Plan Assignments

If a learning plan assignment has been established for a particular demographic category (for example, Site), all subsequent demographic groups associated with Site will inherit the learning plan assignment and the learning plan assignment information (such as passing threshold and due date). Learning plan assignments that are inherited from another demographic group are indicated in gray, and the source demographic group for the inherited requirement is indicated in parentheses after the course title. You can make an inherited learning plan assignment more stringent (for example, by entering a higher passing threshold or earlier completion date), but you will not be able to specify less stringent requirements.

Note: Learning plan assignments made at the individual level take precedence over all group assignments made to a user for the same course. Therefore, it is possible to make a learning plan assignment less stringent for a user at the Individual learning plan assignment level. For more information, see Stringency Rules.


John Doe is an office administrator in a Houston manufacturing facility. All Houston employees must complete Electrical Safety annually, as assigned through the demographic group "Houston". However, office employees only need Electrical Safety every 2 years. By editing the inherited Electrical Safety assignment at the Individual level for John Doe and setting the validity period to 2 years, he will only be required to complete the course every 2 years regardless of the annual requirement at the "Houston" level.