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Create a Custom Email

To create a custom email

  1. Click Setup > Email Notifications on the navigation bar.
  2. On the Email Configurations page, click New Custom Emails Configuration.
  3. Select the custom email type.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Edit beside the email name.
  6. On the Content page, enter an email title for custom email types to help you identify the email configuration at a later time. This title displays in the email list on the Email Notifications page. You can also edit the From Name, Data Sort Order, and Email Text on this page.

    Email titles for the standard emails cannot be customized.

  7. Click Next to display the Distribution List page.
  8. For custom user and supervisor emails, enter a new Distribution List Title as a reminder of the group you are selecting. You can determine who receives the email by filtering on course title, course status, user status, training type, due date, assigned date, and demographic. The default distribution list is all required courses not started or incomplete, for active users due within 90 days.

    Available filters include:

    • Course Title: To filter the list by course assignment, click the desired course title in the left-hand column, and click the ">" arrow button to move the courses to the Selected column. You can select multiple courses at the same time by holding the Ctrl key and clicking each title. For emails filtered by course, only users who have those courses assigned will receive an email, and only the selected course titles will be summarized in the email report. For supervisor emails, only supervisors of the users meeting the distribution list criteria will receive the email.

      Note: Moving all courses using the double arrow ">>" button does not have the same effect as selecting the All courses check box. If new titles are added at a later time, the All courses option will include these new courses in the email distribution. When the ">>" button is used, only the titles in the list at that time will be used to determine the distribution.

    • Course Status: You can also filter the distribution list by course status: Not Started or Incomplete; Not Started, Incomplete, Complete, or Overdue.
    • User Status: You can elect to send the email to active users only, both active and inactive users, or inactive users only.
    • Training Type and Date: You can select the email to only be sent to users who have the course(s) specified as required, optional or both. Likewise, you can filter the list by due date or assignment date.

      Note: If the emails are set for users with both optional and required courses, the due date filter is not applied to the optional course assignments. Therefore, any user with the specified course(s) assigned as optional will receive the email, even if a "Due Within" filter is applied.

      If you select "Due Within," the email will be sent to users who have the course due any time during the period specified here (for example, "Due within 30 days."). If Next is selected, the distribution list is filtered for users with courses due in the future. If Last is selected, the list is filtered for users who are overdue, or who had the course "Due within the past X days".

      Note: When "Due Within the past X days" is selected, only users with overdue training will be returned.

      If you select "Assigned Within", the distribution is filtered based on the date the course was assigned to the user. Here, only Last will return users, and Next is not applicable. For example, users who have had the course "Assigned Within the Last 30 days" will receive the email.

      To add all overdue training records to the distribution list, regardless of how the email has been configured, select the Include ALL overdue courses check box.

    • Demographics: You can further filter the distribution list by selecting certain demographics. Only users who meet all the demographics specified will receive the email.
  9. Click Next to display the Schedule page.
  10. Enter the date you want the emails to start, and for recurring emails, the frequency to send them.

    Note: The frequency for standard user emails is not editable.

  11. Click Next to display the Review Setup page to review the distribution list settings and schedule.
  12. Click Next to display the Preview page to review the format and custom text of the email message.
  13. Click Done to return to the Email Configuration page.
  14. To activate the email, click the Active checkbox beside the new email configuration.

    Note: Whenever you edit an email configuration, you must reactivate the email on the Email Configuration page.