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Advanced Compliance Glossary


Administrative Functions: Primary navigation features that allow the Administrator to set up and monitor Advanced Compliance users.

Assign Completions: A method to track learning plan assignments with a delivery method other than the Web (for example, video, classroom, CD, etc.).

Associated Document: A document that is designated as required reading for completion of course requirements. Once the document has been assigned as a learning plan assignment, users will be able to click on a link in the Learning Plan to access the document file.


Client Drivers: Policies and procedures within an organization that mandate training for employees.

Completion Record: A record of current completion or historical completion. The record is for one user, one course. When a user launches a course from the learning plan, a completion record is created. A current completion record may be either completed or started. A current completion record does not become "completed" until the user passes all exams or assessments.

Course Category: A broad description used to categorize courses in the Library option such as HR, Health and Safety, and Environmental.

Course Reset Date: Course reset date = date user completed course + valid-for period - 90 days.

Current Completion: A completion record, which is linked to a current requirement and, if completed, appears as a completed course both in the user's learning plan and on reports.

Current Requirement: A record signifying that this course is currently assigned to the user (regardless if the user has completed the course). A current requirement displays in both the user's Learning Plan and My Transcripts.


Delivery Method: The instructional method used to present course content (such as classroom, video, CBT, or CD).

Demographic: Information related to the organizational structure associated with a user (such as Job Function, Site, or Division). All reports and curriculum assignments are based on demographic categories.

Demographic Group: A category of users who share similar training needs. A demographic group must be defined prior to making a learning plan assignment.


Email Notification: A feature that allows automated email reminders and reports to be sent to users, their immediate supervisor, and the Administrator.

Equivalency: A credit awarded to a user for previous training, education, and/or work experience.

Exemption: The learning plan assignment is specifically removed (waived).


Historical completion: A completion record. An exemption/equivalency in history also qualifies as a historical completion. A completion is pushed into the historical table when 1) the completion expires and the course is ready for retraining, or 2) the learning plan assignment (and any path of inheritance for that course) is completely removed from the user or group.

Historical requirement: A record which may be a previous instance of a course for which the user still has a current requirement, meaning the user still has this course assigned to him but this instance was completed, expired and moved to history; or this may be a requirement previously assigned to the user and the learning plan assignment has been removed entirely from the user or the demographic group. For a requirement to be in history, there must be an associated completion or exemption/equivalency for that requirement. A historical requirement displays for a user only in My Transcript.


Inherited Learning plan assignments: If a learning plan assignment has been established for "All" members of a particular demographic category (for example, Site), all subsequent demographic groups associated with that particular site will inherit the learning plan assignment.

Initial Setup: A feature that guides the Administrator through decisions regarding user access to Advanced Compliance and the Automatic Email Notification System.

Initial Training: The first instance when a learning plan assignment is assigned, where the learning plan assignment’s "valid-for" date is established as anything other than "one-time training". When an administrator assigns a course to a demographic group or user for the first time, it is considered initial training. A user may also receive initial training when a new requirement is assigned and all previous completions for that course are invalid (see Valid Completion).

Initial Training Decision: The option for assigning new or initial training. Options include calendar-date or "due within X days" from receiving the requirement.


Learner transcript: A user's listing of the history and status of all assets. By default, the Core Data transcript displays, which contains the complete history of all launched and/or completed self-assigned and manager-assigned assets.

Learning plan: A user’s listing of all assigned courses (required and optional learning plan assignments).

Learning plan assignment (Individual): If a user has a unique learning plan assignment above and beyond or different from the requirements designated for a demographic group, training can be assigned to the user as required.

Learning plan assignment (Group): A course that is required for a group of users by virtue of their job task duties.

Learning Program: An administrative function that allows the administrator to assign a group of courses and designate completion requirements, such as complete all, complete in order, and minimum duration in hours. A Learning Program can have multiple folders assigned to it, each with its own completion requirements.

Library: A comprehensive directory of all available training courses as well as information on each course. The function provides a method to add or delete course titles to your online library.


New User: Any user added after learning plan assignments have been assigned to the demographic groups.


One-Time Training: One-time training never expires, and therefore is not considered retraining. One-time training will remain on the Learning Plan for one year following completion.

"Open for retraining" window: This is the period of time before a course is due in which a user can launch the course and create a completion record. X-days will be a configurable number for each TR.

OrgGroup info: The parameters set for a particular learning plan assignment When a new assignment is set, a record is created. The parameters set for this assignment (such as Initial Training decision, training type, required/optional, due date, validity period, test out, and passing threshold) are referred to as OrgGroup info.


Passing Threshold: The minimum test score allowed for successful completion of the learning plan assignment.

Pre-test: A comprehensive exam administered at the beginning of a course to establish a baseline score for post-test comparison to determine learning gains.

Primary Drivers: The main regulatory drivers for a course that mandate the training be provided (for example, OSHA).

Push completion to history: Move a current completion record to history. If the assignment is completed, the requirement and completion will be preserved in the historical tables and continue to show on the Training Status reports. If the completion is only a start (not completed), it and the requirement will be deleted in this process.


RCD: Recurring on Completion Date, equivalent to frequency-based training. Next due dates are calculated off last completion dates.

RDD: Retraining on Due Date, equivalent to calendar-based training. Next due dates are calculated off previous due dates. (for example, due 12/31/14, next due is 12/31/15).

Requirement: A training assignment; one course assigned to a user either through a demographic group or an individual Learning Plan assignment. A course assigned to a user results in a record. The term has no implication on required versus optional. An optional assignment is referred to as a requirement.

Restricted Access: An Initial Setup feature that allows the Administrator to control access to Advanced Compliance features. With this option, a user must be pre-registered before they are able to log in and generate a record. Restricted access requires the use of a User ID and password, which must be distributed to the user.

Resurrect completion: Extract a completed completion and its associated learning plan assignment record from the historical tables and make them current.

Retraining: Retraining is defined as any subsequent completion of the learning plan assignment following initial training. Retraining occurs as often as specified in the Learning Plan assignment’s "valid-for" field and is dependent upon the user’s completion date of initial training. Retraining due date = date user completed course + valid-for period.


Security Setup: Designated levels of access for each of the Advanced Compliance administrative functions.


Test-Out: A comprehensive test at the beginning of the course. If the user’s score meets or exceeds the minimum passing threshold, they are not required to complete the course and will receive credit for the course.

Training Administrator: A person or people who have full unrestricted access to all the Advanced Compliance administrative functions.


User Status: Users have a status of either 1) Active or 2) Inactive.


Valid completion: A completion which, based on completion date, meets the criteria for a current requirement. This may be either a historical or current completion. A valid completion must be in the window between "today" (the day the user receives the learning plan assignment) and "today – valid for period."

For example, a completion for Back Safety on or after 12/1/2014 would be valid for a requirement for Back Safety due every 1 year, assigned on 12/1/2014. A completion on or before 11/30/2014 would not be valid for this requirement.

"Valid-for" Period: The period for which training is considered valid. Training expires after the "valid-for" period has elapsed.