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Tips and Best Practices for Learning Program Reports

Skillport Learning Programs are containers that hold learning assets. Learning Programs let you set completion criteria at the container level and Summary Reports can give a high level view of activity for the entire Learning Program. The Detail and Matrix reports also provide detailed information about accesses to assets within Learning Programs.


  • Information about Learning Programs is included in the report if the Enrollment Date is on or prior to the End Date of the Activity Date Range.
  • The Activity Date Range is interpreted differently when reporting on the overall Learning Program or the assets within the Learning Program.
    • Data about the overall Learning Program is reported as of the End Date of the Activity Date Range. This includes Learning Program First and Last Access, Completion Date, and Percent Complete.
    • For assets within a Learning Program, activity that occurs on or prior to the End Date is used to calculate the Learning Program data fields, but detailed information about asset activity is included only for activity that occurred during the report’s Activity Date Range. For example, a report run for last month could show that the Learning Program is Complete, but would not show any asset activity if all the activity occurred prior to the Start Date of the Activity Date Range.

Example 1: Learning Program Summary Report

In a Learning Program Summary Report, all of the Learning Program data fields listed in bold below are reported as of the Activity Date Range End Date.

  • Username
  • Group Name
  • Learning Program Title
  • Learning Program ID
  • Learning Program First Access Date
  • Learning Program Last Access Date
  • Enrollment Date
  • Learning Program Completion Date
  • Learning Program Status
  • Percent Complete


  • Learning Program First Access Date is the earliest date that any asset in the Learning Program was accessed.
  • Learning Program Last Access Date is the most recent date that any asset in the Learning Program was accessed.

Example 2: Learning Program Detail Report

In a Learning Program Detail Report, Learning Program data (in red below) is reported as of the Activity Date Range End Date, but asset activity data (in blue below) is only shown for activity that occurred during the Activity Date Range.

LP Report Example


  • The Learning Program contains three assets, but only two are completable, so the possible values for Percent Complete are 0%, 50% or 100%.
  • In the first report, run for February only, the Learning Program shows 50% complete, but only one asset was accessed and that asset is "In Progress". This is because the "Introduction to Sales Course" was accessed and completed prior to the Activity Date Range. You can see this in the second report which uses a much earlier Start Date.

    Best Practice: Set the Start Date to a date far enough in the past to include all relevant asset activity.

Best Practices

  • For all LP Summary Reports, consider the "To" date to be the "As of" date.
  • For the LP Detail Report, consider the "To" date to be the "As of" date and make sure to set the "From" date to a date far enough in the past to include all possible activity.
  • For the LP Matrix Report, be sure to set the Activity Date Range to include all possible accesses.  This report only includes data that occurred during the Activity Date Range.

    Note: The LP Matrix report can only report on one Learning Program at time.