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Set the Player Logo

You can modify the appearance of the Skillsoft Course Player (SCP) by uploading a custom logo or image.

Note: The custom logo image specified in the Advanced Compliance Admin applies only to Advanced Compliance-assigned courses.

To set the player logo for Advanced Compliance-assigned courses

  1. Click Content > Player Logo on the navigation bar.
  2. In Skillsoft Course Player Logo, select either option:
    • Use standard image: Displays the Skillsoft logo in the upper left corner of the SCP.
    • Use custom image: Displays your custom logo image in the upper left corner of the SCP.
  3. For Use custom image, click Choose File to browse for the desired file, then click Upload to upload the image.

    Note: Recommended image dimensions are 62 pixels wide and 23 pixels high. Files are limited to 1.5 MB and jpeg formats only.

  4. Click Save.