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Publish or Unpublish a Chart

In order for a chart to display on the dashboard, you must publish it. You can publish a maximum of six charts at one time.

If you want to remove a chart from displaying on the dashboard, you can unpublish it. Unpublished charts remain in the list on the Dashboard Configuration page and can be re-published at any time.

To publish a chart

  1. Click Reports > Dashboard Configuration on the navigation bar.

    The Dashboard Configuration page displays with a list of charts that have been created.

  2. Select the chart that you want to publish, and click Publish.

    The chart status in the Published column changes from Unpublished to Published.

To unpublish a chart

  • From the Dashboard Configuration page:
    1. Click Reports > Dashboard Configuration on the navigation bar.
    2. Select the chart you want to unpublish.
    3. Click Unpublish.
  • From the My Dashboard page:
    1. Click Reports > My Dashboard on the navigation bar.
    2. Click in the upper-right corner of the desired chart.

The chart status in the Published column changes from Published to Unpublished.