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The Configure Language Settings page allows you to set the default language for Skillport Learner and for Search. These settings apply to all users accessing your company's Skillport site for the first time. However, depending on the configuration of your site, users may be able to change their language settings from within the Skillport end user interface.

Note: User-defined language settings override company-wide settings.

To configure language settings

  1. Click Configuration > Language on the navigation bar.
  2. Select the language in which you want Skillport Learner to display:
    1. In the UI Language Setting section, select the language in which the interface text, help system, and system messages display to learners.
    2. Click Change Language.

      Note: By default, the interface language is set to English.

  3. Select the default Search language in which you want your learners' search results to display:
    1. In Search Language Setting, select the default language used by Search. (During a search, users can change the language by selecting a new one from the Language drop-down list.)
    2. Click Change Language.

      Note: By default, Search is set to English (United States).

Note: The browser language setting affects the appearance of some screens and links. The text displayed may be different in some screens. For example, the Forgot your user ID? link on the Sign In page may be displayed as "forgotyouruserid" for a different language setting.