SkillStudio now has a new publishing option that allows you to package and publish your course directly to your SkillPort site(s). You can access this new publishing option from the Tools Menu.
Note: A valid Publisher license is needed in order to directly publish your courses to SkillPort.
Video Support for Case Study, Sim Dia, and Roleplay templates
SkillStudio has added video support to four templates allowing you to add html flash videos to dialog interactions, making your courses more realistic and engaging. There is also a non-video playback option for 508 users or low bandwidth situations. The video enabled templates are:
Case Study Simdia Video template
Single Path Roleplay template
Multi Path Roleplay template
Sim Dialog Video Caption template
New Video Report
A new video report is available that lists the actors and characters used on video pages. It contains their dialog and the directions needed in the recording.
Changes and Modifications
Image size increase up to 200 kb for TryIt and Skillcheck templates
Users can now add images with sizes up to 200kb in TryIt and Skillcheck templates.
Roleplay Summary Template Change
The Roleplay Summary template has been changed to allow only a single graphic to be added.
Simdia Caption Template Change
Legacy Simdia Caption pages will display a video checkbox that is not selected but can be enabled. Enabling the video checkbox converts the Simdia Caption page into a new Simdia Video Caption page and removes all of the existing graphics from that page.
Network Drive Detection support on Windows 7
The functionality to warn users that a file is not on a local drive and then prompt them for confirmation on whether to proceed with the current action is now supported on Windows 7.
Known Issues
Video Template Copy and Paste Limitation
CR101448 Users need to copy video across separately when they are copying/cutting and pasting pages from one topic to another.
Video Templates published directly from SkillStudio
When publishing courses with video content, only the static images will display and video content will not play. This will be fixed in SkillStudio 1.14 SR1.
Direct publishing to SkillPort does not work on client machines which use a proxy server
Publishing to SkillPort on a machine which uses a proxy server will fail. This will be fixed in SkillStudio 1.14 SR1.
Bug Fixes
CR91129 Character Audio Report: The characters were appearing in incorrect order in the report.