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Course Structure and Hierarchy

Course components are added to the course tree as it is developed. There are some restrictions on component subordination (where a component can be placed in the course tree). The Edit menu only displays available commands for the currently selected component in the tree.

The order in which components appear in the course tree depends on where they are added. A newly added component always appears directly below the component it was added to. Newly added components appear before any other pre-existing components of the same type that were already in the course tree. The ordering of components is especially critical for playability, as they appear in the Course Player in the order they appear in the course tree. The table below gives an overview of the course component structure:

Course Component



Associated Components


The Course is the highest-level item in the Course Tree. When a new course is created, the course and the Resources component automatically appear in the course tree.



Course Overview

The Course Overview is a special type of topic that introduces the general subject matter of the course. 



Lessons are a collection of topics within a course. All lessons contain at least one topic.


Lesson Overview

The Lesson Overview is a special topic that introduces the general subject matter of the topics within that lesson.

Learning Point



Instructional content is presented within topics.

Learning Point

Learning Points

Learning points are subdivisions of a topic.



Objectives are organizational folders containing terminal and enabling objectives and their associated test questions.

Terminal Objective

Terminal Objectives

Terminal Objectives define the highest level of learning (related to the expected performance outcome) for a given topic. Terminal Objectives are always tested in Instruction and Roleplay topics.

Test Question

Enabling Objectives

Enabling Objectives define the knowledge and skills required to master Terminal Objectives. Enabling Objectives are not always tested.

Test Question (optional)



Pages are created with templates, and contain the instructional text and graphics within a course. Pages that contain child pages are referred to as Parent Pages.

Child Page (optional)

Child Pages

Child Pages are pages a user adds as subsets to existing pages in the course. Child pages provide additional information for information covered in Parent Pages.

No course elements are subordinate to child pages.