SkillStudio v1.15.8 SR2 (August 2012)
Changes and Modifications
- Added the below templates to the list of supported templates for tablet ready courses.
- Drill down draggable
- Sim dialog
- Exercise overview
- Click-in graphic
- Multiple choice graphic options
- Short Answer graphic
- Case study explore list
- Case study simdia
- Case Study simdia video caption
- Also the below two Templates that were used for legacy BS conversion ONLY into CCA
Bug Fixes
- CR118984: PTBR: Change hours to hour (singular for the published duration).
- CR118459: Glossary page corrupt in double byte course run on Chinese local when generate resources or final publish selected.
- CR120217: Localization graphic report: HTML caption page numbering does not always appear in the reports - NOT A REGRESSION.
Note: This release of SkillStudio was built with SCP