Added a new optional subtype attribute that will be added to the SPCSF file for compliance courses to identify them in Skillport.
Added a warning label that displays below the Minimum Time UI controls on the Course Properties tab, warning users that this functionality is unsupported in post-7.3 SkillPort builds.
Bug Fixes
CR117932: PTBR: Localized string for job aid incorrect.
CR118876: PTBR: Follow on activities link translation issue.
CR118899: PTBR: Resources - About this Course spelling error.
CR118906: PTBR: About this Course, course number case error in Curso (should be curso).
CR118907: PTBR: Change case of published duration.
CR118909: PTBR: Change case of overview description.
CR118910: PTBR: Change case of course objectives.
CR118911: PTBR: Change case of licensing agreement text.
CR118912: PTBR: Change case of About this Course link.
CR119206: PTBR: Change translation of Target audience on resources/about this course section.
CR146864: On copyright.html file in PTBR courses, different changes are requested.
CR145827: On About_course.html file in PTBR course, there should be a colon after the Visao Geral/Descricao subheading text.
CR117717: German BLR text update required in next release.
CR143680: In the FR and FRCA, there should be a space between ‘TROIS’ and ‘(3)’.
CR145753: In the FR licence.html file, there should be a space between ‘TROIS’ and ‘(3)’.
CR145526: In the FRCA license.html file, there are font formatting issues.
CR145538: In the Russian license.html and Copyrights.html files, the short dashes should be replaced with long dashes.
CR146206: In the About_course.html file in Russian course, there should be a colon after the first subheading text.
CR145535: In the Russian license.html files, the appropriate quotes should be: «» as opposite to "".
CR146865: In the About_course.html file in all locales, there should be a colon after the first subheading text.
CR145752: On the About this Course page (about_course.html) in FRCA and FR, there are two changes requested by localization.
CR146201: For about_course.html file on a PTBR course, date format should be DD.MM.YYYY.
CR146196: For about_course.html file on a Russian course, date format should be DD.MM.YYYY
CR143691: FR and FRCA: Remove colons from the end of strings in the FR and FRCA
CR146854: In the License.html file in PTBR courses, different changes are requested.
CR145821: In FR copyrights.html file, in the last paragraph, "uvre" should be "œuvre".
CR145810: in the License.html file in FRCA courses, different changes are requested.
CR98503: [FR, ES, RU]: CCA: In About This Course on the Resources page, the references to the date of this course are in the wrong format for French and Spanish (Russian).
CR145732: In FRCA courses: Different issues on the Resource_home.html file.
CR83136: Content would like the Enabling objective info included in the Learning path outline report.
CR101304: Transcript - MC Wide: Empty options shown.
CR45856: Transcript report: Graphic Target directions are not getting displayed in the Matching Standard graphic template.
CR148296: TRANSCRIPTS: Roleplay transcript pages not create in Topic - MISC folder on generating resource - transcripts at a course level. (NOT A REGRESSION)
CR119401: Localization Graphic Report: Graphics assigned to child pages in Drill Down Draggable pages do not launch graphic. (NOT A REGRESSION)
CR70707: Localization Graphic Report: Matching Standard Graphic template details are not getting displayed in the Report in a specific scenario.
CR71666: Localization Data Report: Prompted count under 'Animation' section is getting displayed as twice the number of Prompted Animation added under Drill Down Draggable page.
CR122811: Skillbrief report should be updated to include additional templates.
CR149475: Graphic Text Report gets corrupt when user adds graphic text to the main text item of an Explore Graphic Template.
CR62410: Audio file with the same name when added to pages under different topics is not displayed in the Audio Pick-up list report.
CR122211: AUDIT: Issues with audits in tablet and video enabled courses.
CR127285: SIM DIA family adding graphic direction to first dialog item when deleting a dialog item. (REGRESSION)
CR148874: Spellcheck checks the character's name if it's associated to any text/caption item.
CR125834: VIDEO REPORTS: On Roleplay video worksheets, MP4 and FLV video file names are listed (basically lists the video name twice). (NOT A REGRESSION)
CR145522: Audit Enhancement detecting spaces in file names.
CR120303: Localization Graphic report: Roleplay links do not work in report for localized graphics. (NOT A REGRESSION)
CR84019: SME Report not showing test questions at the enabling objectives level.
CR126473: STRING IMPORT: Issues if tab character present on blank lines of string text.
CR98497: [LOC]: CCA: In About This Course on the Resources page, the references to the duration of this course are grammatically incorrect (for all languages).
CR150155: NASBA REPORT: Report generates with exceptions in certain scenario. (NOT A REGRESSION)
CR145524: In FRCA and FR copyrights.html file: ТМ sign is placed incorrectly and it should be replaced by MC.
CR151644: SKILLSTUDIO DIRECT PUBLISH: Issue launching tablet Production level course roleplays when installed by SkillStudio with SCP v7.9.5.86 (Win7/IE10).
Known Issues
CR151269: Graphic is not appearing on Graphics tab unless you add text in Writing tab first in some of the templates.
Workaround: Enter text into the text fields prior to adding graphics.
Note: This release of SkillStudio was built with SCP