Localization: Support was added for five new languages: Bulgarian, Malay, Serbian, Portuguese and Croatian.
Export Course Strings: An Only Alt Text/AD option was added to the Export Course Strings menu. This option produces only the alt text subset.
Note: The Video AD Caption page will output the entire narrative with the exception of a Narrative field that has no AD Caption text.
Known Issues
Direct publish with the five new supported languages (Bulgarian, Malay, Serbian, Portuguese and Croatian) will not work until the release of Publisher v2.9.
Bug Fixes
The Delay for Fade Out effect now works as expected. (CR 194970)
"The content for this page is not available" message no longer displays when the About link is selected from SCP. (CR 194994)
Stages set to a Retina Scale of 2 with a rotate applied no longer move the graphic outside of the blue outline of the stage. (CR 195258)
The retina scale applied to a graphic with a stage is no longer being ignored in RIA. (CR 195311)
The moving center point of graphics with a Retina Scale set to 2 is no longer an issue in RIA. (CR 195376)
RIA is now displaying the hotspot to the button with Retina Scale set to 2 correctly. (CR 195433)
When previewing a course in RIA that has a drag and drop page with a final graphic that has Retina Scale set to 2 and a show effect defined, the show effect now plays out and the graphic appears. (CR 195438)
Retina graphics no longer move when other instances of the same graphic are added. (CR 195448)
The German translation of "Lesson" on the Course Objectives page is now correct. (CR 195457)
Graphics now display correctly when a page with Retina Scale set to 2 has two text items each with a show effect. (CR 195464)
Sim dialog pages using full screen graphics with Retina Scale set to 2 now shows all graphics in RIA. (CR 195621)
When a stage and rotate is applied to a graphic, the graphic no longer runs off the grid. (CR 196400)
A scale applied to the second or subsequent stage of a staged animation now displays the image in the correct position in the RIA previews. (CR 196412)
Note: This release of SkillStudio was built with RIA 3.0.210 and SCP