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SCP and RIA Player Configuration Steps

The following are the required hosting configuration steps for the Skillsoft Course Player (Legacy - SCP) and Skillsoft Course Player (Java-free - RIA).

  1. For the SCP: Remove "Section_508_MODE=false" from default file. This is located on the NAS: contentLIB7\web\content\scp\ as well: LiveLearning\Web\Content\scp\
  2. Set IIS TTL (max-age)  on the SCP and RIA player version directories (i.e. \content\scp\scp_vX_X_X_XXX and \content\ria\ria_vX_X_X_XXX) and below. This setting enhances performance by telling the browser to keep the SCP and RIA player files cached for 180 days, preventing the need for the files to be re-requested at subsequent course launches and slowing launch times.


  3. The scp/index.html and ria/index.html files must be set on the IIS server to never cache:


  4. *Favicon.ico – In the content server(s), add a file of this name to the Inetpub\wwwroot folder to prevent 404 errors.
  5. *Custom 404 page – reduce page size. Copy custom 404b.htm page to each content server location: C:\WINDOWS\Help\iisHelp\common
  6. Ensure that the Debug-related properties in the default properties files on the content server are set to the value of false for both the SCP and RIA players. These files are located on the content web server at the following locations:  <content server root>\web\content\scp\scp_vX_X_X_XXX\ and <content server root>\web\content\ria\ria_vX_X_X_XXX\ The properties include: DEBUG=false and LMS_DEBUG=false for both SCP and RIA players. TABLET_DEBUG=false for the RIA player only.
  7. If a caching solution is being used, ensure that after any player upgrade, that the cache is flushed.  This will ensure that fresh copies of A/B pages in the Web/Content directory are provided from the content server.

    Note: All items with an asterisk (*) have been configured in Production and do not need to be configured again.