
Use the Percipio search to quickly find content (such as courses, videos, or subjects). Percipio uses an intelligent search engine that auto-completes recommendations as you enter text into the search field. Depending on the terms you enter, search results can include any of your available content types (such as courses or books) and specific asset details (such as author, duration, expertise levels, technology versions, description, and more).

If an asset in the search results is part of a course, the From Course field links back to the associated course.

If an asset in the search results is part of a channel, the From Channel field links back to the associated channel(s).

The Percipio Search returns 20 results per page. To see additional results, click Show More at the bottom of the Search results page.


注意:您可以搜索 选择的 Percipio 语言。要查看更多您有权使用的内容,请更改语言设置,然后再次运行搜索。




Filter by

  • Type: the asset type (book, book summary, practice lab, etc.)
  • Training Credits: training certifications NASBA CPE, PMI PDU
  • Expertise: the level of knowledge required for the content (everyone, beginner, intermediate, expert)
  • Duration: the duration of the content (5 minutes or less, 5-15 minutes, etc)

To use the filters

  • Select the types of content you want to include in your refined results. You can select multiple filters to narrow your search results. The search results update with each selection.
  • The filters vary based on the content returned in the original search results.