Collections - Statistical information about the Books collections in your subscription and a month-by-month count of the number of titles added.
User Information - The first name, last name, and email address used for your account. You can change these values and update your user information.
Password - You can change your password or have your password sent to you via email if you forget it. You may have the option to tell the Books24x7 system to remember your login information so you can can automatically access the site without having to enter your user name and password.
Notification Options - Set options on when Books24x7 will send you notifications related to certain activities that involve you or other members of your community.
Collection - Listing of the Books collections you have access to.
Email Options - Set the email options for your account. You can set options for when and how you receive New Title Notices, Books24x7 site notices, and the behavior for Sharing links.
Display Options - Set your default home page, sorting for titles in your personal folders, and other display options.
Mobile - Information and instructions for accessing the Books24x7 On the Go™ Mobile optimized website.