Digital Badges for Learner Engagement
Welcome to Digital Badges, where you can motivate and reward your learners. Digital Badges are visual, sharable, and verifiable records of accomplishment enabling learners to socialize their achievements and growth. Digital Badges are issued upon successful completion of Skillsoft course assets delivered through Percipio.
We recommend that Compliance Only customers disable this feature, as Compliance content is not eligible for Digital Badges.
Spam filters may block your learners from emailing their earned Digital Badges to recipients. We recommend your IT department(s) safelist the domain so the learner's emails are received. For more information, see the
Frequently asked questions

By enabling Digital Badges for your learners:
- you can reduce administrative efforts,
- increase adoption,
- drive learner engagement throughout your organization, and
- encourage continuous learning to fill in skill gaps and encourage career growth.

The settings are available on the Engagement & Notifications > Engagement page.

No. Digital Badges are a site-level setting and cannot be disabled for a specific audience.

Digital Badges are provided by Accredible, a third-party provider and new sub-processor for Skillsoft, and is seamlessly integrated with Percipio.
Accredible provides the same level of protection for your organization's personal data as Skillsoft does, thereby meeting or exceeding its obligations as a processor of personal data under the GDPR. Accredible processes the minimum amount of personal data for the purpose of issuing a learner's Digital Badge, and neither process, nor have access to, the personal data of any individual beyond their first name, last name, and User ID/email address.

When you enable these emails:
- Any learners who earned a badge receive up to 2 emails per week (Mondays and Thursdays) with their Digital Badge information and recommendations about content where more badges can be earned.
- Site Admins receive a single email on the first Monday of each month with the total number of Digital Badges earned within their organization.

Turn on the Enable "Badge Earned" emails setting to on the Engagement & Notifications > Engagement page. This enables both the up to twice weekly learner emails, and the once-monthly admin email.
Admin email:

To help users who have the Percipio role of manager encourage learning in their team, the email contains a special manager section. For every email, Percipio randomly chooses one of the following options to put in this section:
- Assign content to team (this option only displays if managers have the custom privilege to assign content.)
- Share recently accessed content with team
- Check on team’s progress

Yes. See Custom Digital Badges for details.