Email Settings

As a site administrator, you can manage how Percipio emails get received by learners.

Get started

To access the engagement and notification settings that allow you to provide a custom experience for your learners, from the left navigation bar, select Site Settings > Engagement & Notifications > Email settings.

Email Settings

The settings you can affect include:

Organization name

You typically define the Organization name during initial site set up. If you did not and nothing is specified, we recommend entering your company's name or a department name in the text field. This field cannot contain the following characters: : ; < > @ [ ] , " \ ( ) (colon, semi colon, greater than, less than, at symbol, square brackets, comma, quotation marks, backslash, and parentheses).

The Organization name can display in two places.

  • As the default Menu category option when creating a custom area. You can edit how this displays in the Library.
  • In Percipio generated email notifications, Organization name is different than the Alternate email address.

Use the Use the Organization Name to personalize emails coming from Percipio setting to control the display of your organization's name in Percipio-generated email subject lines, email body text, and From: fields. If you change this setting to On, you can increase learner engagement by providing better context in emails from Percipio.

  • (Default) On: Replaces "Percipio' with the name entered in the subject lines, body, and From: field for all Percipio-generated emails, including assignment, audience owner, Welcome, Re-engagement, and password reset emails.
  • Off: All emails include "Percipio" instead of an organization name.

Alternate email address

The Use an alternate email address for all emails coming from Percipio setting allows you to specify an alternate email address from your internal network that Percipio can use for all email communications. This is the email address recipients see in the From line in their inbox. It is different from the Organization name.

Specify an alternate email address

  • (Default) Off: When this setting is off, recipients see <> in the From line for all emails that come from Percipio.
  • On: When you turn on this setting and specify the following details, recipients see the address you specify in the From line instead of <>.
    • Email address: Enter the email address you want recipients to see in their inbox for all emails coming from Percipio. The email address must be associated with your SMTP server.
    • Username: Enter the username associated with this SMTP address if different from the email address.
    • Password: Enter the password for the SMTP server. You can get this from your IT department.
    • SMTP hostname: Enter the name of your simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) server that hosts your email client. You can get this from your IT department.
    • Port: Select the port so your SMTP server knows what to use to communicate with Percipio. You can get this from your IT department.

Show username and users' email address on email templates

Your organization uses single sign-on (SSO), but your users can sign into Percipio with the user name or email address provided when learners were added to Percipio. If you only want learners to sign in with your organization's SSO, disabling this setting omits user names from all email.

  • (Default) On: Includes user names/email addresses in all Percipio email.
  • Off: Omits user names/email addresses from email. Note that user names/email addresses are still in user accounts and can be used for sign in.

Email template language

This controls the default language for the Percipio-generated emails. Emails are sent out in the selected language to those learners who have not signed in and selected a site language.

Note: If your learners select a different language for their Percipio emails, their setting overrides this global setting for their profile only. If you upload a CSV file of learners with language preferences, these override the email template language. When learners do not select a language, all of their emails are sent in English.

To set a default email template language

  1. From the drop-down list, select the default language in which you want your emails sent.
  2. Click Save email template language.

Email collection

The Allow Percipio to collect email addresses if missing setting allows you to prompt users without an email address in their profile to provide their email address for the purpose of receiving Percipio communications such as live course and assignment reminders.

  • (Default) On: Prompts users to add their email address the second time they sign into Percipio. The user can respond to the prompt in two ways:
    • The user can choose Ask me later, and the next time they login, Percipio prompts them again.
    • The user can select Don't show again, Percipio respects that and won't prompt them with the next login attempt.
  • Off: Does not prompt users to add their email address. Learners can still add an email address from the My Settings page.

Users who are not associated with a license pool, and only have access to Percipio Compliance, are also prompted to add an email address.