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Wiki Contributions

You can view and track the contributions made to a wiki.

Track Contributions

You can track your contributions to the wiki to view the type of content you have contributed.

All contributions made within a wiki are tracked for historical purposes, which enables you to view all the contributions made to the particular wiki. This can be helpful if you want to look back on the contributions made throughout a time period for a wiki.

View Contributions

You can view your contributions which include the types of articles and content you have contributed to a wiki, and the type of content you have shared within a wiki.

To view contributions

  1. Navigate to the required wiki in the SkillPort Wikis page.
  2. Click the My Contributions link in the User links displayed at the top right corner of the wiki page, to display the User Contributions page. All your contributions are listed in this page, with the date and time.

    View Contributions

Note: You can also use the Search box in the wiki page to search for your contributions.

Last Updated: 1/3/2013 10:29:05 AM