Site Features

From this page configure how your instance of Percipio behaves for the learner.

Access this page from the left navigation bar, Site Settings > Site Configuration, then Site Features.

Feature Settings

The following settings are in this section:

Reporting Parameters

The Average annual salary per employee ($) figure is a US dollar amount used by the Estimated Value charts to calculate several key business metrics showing the ongoing value to your organization accrued through use of Skillsoft content solutions. The reporting parameter currently only supports US dollars.

To change it, type in a new number. The Estimated Value charts update when you save this information.

Course Feedback

Options in this section impact whether the learner can provide feedback on Skillsoft and customer courses, including CAISY AI simulator content. The option to give feedback is only available from Percipio for the web, not the mobile app. The Content Evaluation report and Learner feedback dashboard tracks all results from the standard Skillsoft survey for both Skillsoft and custom courses.

Options available include:

  • Feedback on Skillsoft Courses: Selected by default, this setting displays a Give Feedback button in Skillsoft-only courses including CAISY AI simulations. For Skillsoft courses, the Give Feedback button displays under the Take Test button of the course window and also on the Test Results page. For CAISY AI simulations, the Give scenario feedback link shows at the end of the conversation.

    • Automatically display survey: Unselected by default, this setting, when selected, automatically opens the survey after a learner completes a Skillsoft course. If selected, learners still see the Give Feedback button.

  • Feedback on custom courses: Unselected by default, this setting, when selected, allows you to gather feedback for custom courses (AICC or SCORM). Learners can access Give Feedback from the Actions menu actions menu icon, gray elipse. All custom courses use the same survey. If selected, choose one of the following survey options:

    • Feedback on custom courses: Unselected by default, this setting, when selected, allows you to gather feedback for custom courses (AICC or SCORM). Learners can access Give Feedback from the Actions menu actions menu icon, gray elipse. All custom courses use the same survey. If selected, choose one of the following survey options:

    • Learners complete a standard Skillsoft survey on their course experience: Use the standard Skillsoft survey. Results appear in the Content evaluation report.

    • Learners complete a customized survey that can be accessed in a new window upon course completion:Outside of Percipio, in a survey tool such as Survey Monkey or Qualtrics, create a custom survey for use in all custom courses. Enter the URL from the survey tool to use your custom survey.

Note: Learners can access the NASBA survey from the NASBA Activity page or from the How to complete link in the title bar at the top of the course player.