Learning Program and Assignment Dashboard

The Learning Program and Assignment dashboard shows a visual summary of how many active learning programs and assignments you have, a summary by category of the number of learners in each, and the number of completions by category. You can filter the dashboard on business objective to really understand the impact that learning is having on your organization.

Use this dashboard to answer questions like the following:

  • How many active learning programs and assignments do I have?
  • How many learning programs and assignments are aligned to each category? Does the alignment match to my corporate learning and business initiatives for this year?
  • How many completions are there per category?
  • What is the percent complete per category based on those assigned or enrolled? Is this tracking to my achieving the corporate learning and business initiatives?
  • How many learners have started, not started, or completed a particular program or assignment?
  • How is one group of learners doing compared to another in progressing through the program or assignment?

How to Use

With this dashboard, you can gauge whether your learning programs and assignments are aligning to your business and learning initiatives for the year and how your learners are progressing through them.

For example, if you have an initiative to upskill your workforce on AI, but most of your assignments or learning programs are categorized for onboarding, you might want to adjust. Similarly if you have an initiative for compliance, you can quickly see how many learners are on track for completing those programs and assess whether your company is at risk of non-compliance.

For each program or assignment, you can also see detailed information per user as to their progress so you know who to send reminders to. And for those assignments and programs that are assigned to larger populations, you can do a comparison between different groups based on user attributes. For example, if you assigned AI content to your entire company as an upskill initiative, and you have user attributes set up for department and geography, you can compare which departments are making the most progress and only send reminders to those who are not progressing as expected, or use the comparison as a friendly rivalry to motivate teams to complete them.

Access the Dashboard

To access this dashboard:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Analytics. Switch to the All dashboards tab.
  2. Select Learning Programs.

Set your filters

You find all filters under the Filters drop down.

Learning programs and assignments dashboard filter fields.

You can filter data on this dashboard by date range, audiences, title, and business objective. After you set filters, make sure to select Apply filters to update the data shown on the dashboard. If you want to reset filters, you can select Load default filters.

Filters you can set for this dashboard include:

  • Date Range: Filters the data by a specified range of dates that you select from the drop-down list.
  • Users: Under the Users filter, enter the name of an audience and then select it from the list. You can display the data for multiple audiences at the same time by entering more than one audience name. When you are done selecting all audiences, select Add more filters to return to the main filter list, then select Apply filters.
  • Include Inactive users: Select if you want to include inactive users in your counts. If you include inactive users, you may not get an accurate picture of your organization's current proficiency levels specially if those inactive users left your company.
  • Content title: There are two filters under this section. Use these filters if you want to just review specific learning programs and assignments or learning programs and assignments assigned to specific business objectives.

What you select for filters here impacts what you see on the rest of the page.

Review your results

This data displayed on the dashboard reflects the filters you set. For each section you can download the data set or move it to a new location on the page. You can also use the tabs across the top to see learning programs and assignments associated with only one business objective.

Learning programs and Assignments page with the All tab selected.

You see the following sections: