Detailed Activity Report

The Detailed Activity report provides metrics on learner engagement with content and Digital Badges earned. You can filter data by date range, audience, individual user, or asset type. This report shows all learner activity for your organization. Percipio may take up to 24 hours to include relevant activity in this report. You can see at the top of the report when the data was last updated.

This report is best used to show detailed historical data of all time for all users and usage trends over time. Use the Learner activity report for up to the minute details of completions.

Access this report

To access the report and customize it for your needs:

  1. From the Analytics menu in the left navigation bar, select the All Reports tab and then Detailed Activity.
  2. Select to update your report.
  3. You can select to Download report at this point so you can share with others in your organization.
  4. After you save the initial custom view, you can then:

Report insights

The Detailed Activity reports shows you:

  • Each learner that accessed a piece of content within the specified time frame. Filter the report on a specific piece of content to get this information.
  • For each content item a learner launched, see the skills they gained by taking that content.
  • For every piece of content a learner accessed during the specified time, you see a new record (row) for that learner.
  • If a learner restarted a course, you may see two records for that user with the same course name, both may have a status of Completed, but other data like duration, test scores, and dates may be different.
  • If a learner does not restart a course, but launches or opens the same course multiple times, all duration and test attempts are reported in one row for that one course.
  • Only Skill Benchmarks can have a Recurrence greater than 1.
  • If a learner accessed a journey, you won't see data in the following columns regarding the journey: Estimated duration, Learning hours, First access date and time, Last access date and time, All time first access date and time, All time last access date and time and Total accesses. This is because that information is captured for the content items contained within the journey.

Available Columns

Note: Each user number-related column is specific to the filtered date range (for example, the FIRST ACCESS date is the first time the user accessed the content within the specified date range, and not necessarily the first time content was accessed.)

Columns displayed by default

The following columns are displayed by default in the Detailed Activity report:

  • USER ID: The value entered in the User ID attribute. It is used to identify a user inside Percipio.
  • FIRST NAME: The value entered in the First name user attribute. Usually the user's first name.
  • LAST NAME: The value entered in the Last name user attribute. Usually the user's last name.
  • CONTENT TITLE: The title of the asset.
  • ASSET TYPE: The type of asset. Types may include assessment, audiobooks, audio summaries, books, book summaries, course, journey, linked content, scheduled content, and video. When you see the asset type for linked content, it could be associated with any of following Skillsoft content types: AI simulator, cheatsheets, interactive courses, test preps, labs, bootcamps, partner content and any custom content items you added. When you see the asset type, scheduled content, it could be associated with any of following Skillsoft items: live courses or live events. When you see the asset type, assessment, it is associated with the content type of Skill Benchmarks. If you see the asset type, journey, you won't see data in the duration, date, and time fields because that data is captured for the content items stored in a journey.
  • CONTENT TYPE: The type of content. Content types can be subsets of asset types. Content types are equivalent to the asset type for courses, videos, books, audiobooks, audio summaries, book summaries, and journeys. When an asset type is set for assessment, you can see a content type of Skill Benchmark. When an asset type is set for linked content, you can see content types for AI simulator, cheatsheets, interactive courses, test preps, labs, bootcamps, partner content, and any custom content items you added. When an asset type is set for scheduled content, you see content types of live courses and live events.
  • SKILLS: A list of all the skills that are associated with that content item.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (HOURS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. For online courses this only includes the video playback time. Time is listed as fraction of hours. Something that takes 90 minutes to complete is listed as 1.50 and something that takes 15 minutes is listed as 0.25.
  • STATUS: The status of the content based on user progress. The status is not impacted by the Date filters. For all content items you could see Started or Completed. For live courses, you may also see the following values in the Status column: Registered, Approval pending, Canceled, Denied, and Wait listed. When learners restart a course, you see either Restarted or Completed. For Skill benchmarks and CAISY AI simulations, you may see a status of Abandoned. This happens when the learner starts a new attempt without completing their previous attempt.
  • COMPLETED DATE: The date the user completed the content. This date is not impacted by the Date Range Presets filter. For scheduled content this could be the date of the class or the date the admin entered the completion and scores.
  • BADGE EARNED: The date the user earned the content's Digital Badge. This date does not change and is not affected by the date range filters. You may encounter situations where the First Access date shows a date later than the Badge Earned date. This happens when a learner accesses content again after they earn a badge AND you run the report for a date range that does not include the original date the content was accessed. Percipio populates the First Accessed date using the first date the content was accessed within the date range you specified.
  • LEARNING HOURS (HOURS): The total number of hours a learner spent learning in this content item. If the item is a Skillsoft course, the total includes time spent watching videos, working on knowledge checks, and taking tests. Time is listed as fraction of hours. Something that takes 90 minutes to complete is listed as 1.50 and something that takes 15 minutes is listed as 0.25.
  • TOTAL ACCESSES: The total number of times within the filtered date range that content was accessed. For example, if a learner launches the same course 3 times within the specified date range, the total accesses is 3.
  • LAST ACCESS DATE: The last date within the filtered date range that the user accessed the content.
  • HIGH SCORE: The high score recorded for the content.

Other columns available

The following columns are also available in the Detailed Activity report:

  • USER UUID: Viewable only from the CSV download, this field is a unique identifier representing the user. It is displayed as either first and last name, email address, login ID, or external user ID.
  • LOGIN NAME: The value entered in the Login name attribute for the user.
  • EMAIL ADDRESS: The value entered in the Email address user attribute; the user's email address.
  • USER STATUS: The status of the user in Percipio. Valid values are active or inactive.
  • AUDIENCE: The audience(s) in which users are a member.
  • CONTENT UUID: This is an internal Percipio code used with third-party learner management systems.
  • CONTENT ID: Unique identifier for the Skillsoft content item.
  • EXTERNAL ID: A unique identifier for custom content that you can use as a cross reference to another system.
  • SOURCE: The source of the content item.
  • LANGUAGE: The language of the asset. Available languages and their codes are listed here.
  • TECHNOLOGY TITLE: The title of the content technology (such as Mac, Linux, etc.).
  • TECHNOLOGY VERSION: The version of the content technology (such as Excel 2018, Windows 10, etc.).
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (HHMMSS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. Time is listed in (00h00m00s) format.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (SECONDS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. Time is listed in total seconds.
  • COMPLETION TYPE: The type of completion. Options include, learner (when learner completes the item themselves), admin override (admin grants a completion), or waiver (admin grants a completion waiver).
  • % OF VIDEO OR BOOK: The percent of the video or book that the user has watched or read. This includes audiobooks.
  • % COMPLETED: This number indicates how much of the content item a user completed at the time the report is run. For an online course, this is the based on the number of video completions to the total number of videos in that course unless the completion criteria is set to a Minimum required assessment score, then the %Completed is based on a learner's progress through the course test.
  • LEARNING HOURS (HHMMSS): The total number of hours a learner spent learning in this content item. If the item is a Skillsoft course, the total includes time spent watching videos, working on knowledge checks, and taking tests. Time is listed in (00h00m00s) format.
  • LEARNING HOURS (SECONDS): The total number of hours a learner spent learning in this content item. If the item is a Skillsoft course, the total includes time spent watching videos, working on knowledge checks, and taking tests. Time is listed in total seconds.
  • FIRST ACCESS DATE: The first date within the filtered date range that the learner accessed the content. If the learner accessed the content on multiple occasions, this date may change based on the date range filters you specify.
  • FIRST ACCESS TIME: The time stamp corresponding to the First access date shown that the learner accessed the content.
  • LAST ACCESS TIME: The time stamp corresponding to the Last access date shown that the learner accessed the content.
  • ALL TIME FIRST ACCESS DATE: The date of all time that the learner first accessed the content. This date is not impacted by Date range filters.
  • ALL TIME FIRST ACCESS TIME: The time stamp corresponding to the All time first access date shown that the learner first accessed the content.
  • ALL TIME LAST ACCESS DATE: The date of all time that the learner last accessed the content. The date shown in this field is not impacted by the Date range filters.
  • ALL TIME LAST ACCESS TIME: The time stamp corresponding to the All time last access date shown that the learner last accessed the content.
  • COURSE ASSESSMENT ATTEMPTS: The number of times the user attempted the assessment.
  • FIRST SCORE: The first score recorded for the content.
  • LAST SCORE: The last score recorded for the content.
  • RECURRENCE: The number of times a learner returned and re-completed the content.
  • User Attributes (varies): These fields are defined by (and are unique to) your organization. For more information, see User Attributes. If you are using an attribute type of Percipio User, the value in the field can be either first and last name, email address, login ID, or external user ID. The value that appears depends on what has been specified for the individual user.