Content Configuration
The Content Configuration feature provides a self-service option for adding non-instructional information to Skillsoft original courses that play in the Compliance course player. Easily add a text message, videos, or policy documents to a course without changing the original structure of the course, or the course number. Each course can have multiple configurations to serve different audiences and use cases.
After a course is configured, you can publish it directly from the Content Configuration page. Learners have instant access to the information you add.
Access Content Configuration
Access the Content Configuration feature from the Percipio Compliance menu.
- Select Content then Content Configuration. The Skillsoft Compliance Course Library page opens.
- Locate the course in the list.
- If the course is marked with Retired, follow these steps to configure it.
- If the course is not marked as Retired, follow these steps to configure it.
- From the More Actions option, choose Add Configuration.
Frequently Asked Questions

Linear courses: These courses contain a set number of topics in a specific order that you cannot change. You can add as many non-instructional topics as you want before all course topics or after all course topics. You can add multiple configurations.
Composite courses: These courses, indicated with a composite icon , contain multiple topics that are hidden by default. To use these courses, you must add a configuration, select the topics you want to show learners, and then publish it. You can add as many non-instructional topics as you want to a composite course in any order, beginning, middle, or end of the course. You cannot edit a Skillsoft composite course. You can only edit a configuration you added.

If your compliance and non-compliance courses have completion criteria set with the option to Visit all content pages or Achieve a minimum test score and visit all content pages, then:
- Yes. If you add content to the course, the learner must click the TOC entry to unlock the rest of the course content.
- If you add a Policy document to the course, the learner must open the Policy file in order to continue. For non-compliance courses that have a policy, you must also add at least one attestation statement.
- Additionally, if you add attestation statements to the Policy, the learner must check the box next to each statement in order to continue.
Non-compliance courses typically have different completion criteria than compliance courses. And because administrators can change Global Completion Criteria for all courses, we recommend that you verity this setting for all courses that you are configuring with information. To do this:
- From the Content menu, select Completion Criteria
- Locate the course and check that the Visit contains either AND or ONLY. If not, select it from the list.
- Select Override global criteria.
- From the Completion Criteria section, check the box next to either Visit all content pages or Achieve minimum test score AND visit all content pages.
- Select Save.

Any Skillsoft content that is included in your Compliance collections can be configured through this tool. Content that is only found in Percipio, and is not available in your Compliance library, cannot be configured.
By default, these non-compliance courses have different completion criteria settings, which could allow the user to bypass the information you add with the configuration tool. We recommend that you take additional steps if you want your learners to view the configured sections of non-compliance content. The steps are:
- If you are adding a policy document, you must add at least one attestation statement.
- You must change the completion criteria for the course. To do this:
- From the Content menu, select Completion Criteria
- Locate the course and select it from the list.
- Select Override global criteria.
- From the Completion Criteria section, check the box next to Achieve minimum test score AND visit all content pages.
- Select Save.

The Content Configuration feature allows administrators to add an introduction, policy, and summary to a Skillsoft course without changing the course number or creating a "custom" course. Unlike custom courses, configured courses receive all Skillsoft updates and do not need republishing, which saves your organization both time and money.
Typically, if any customer modifications are made to stock content, the original course is copied and all changes are made in the copy. The copied course has a different course number than the original, and is considered a custom course.
Skillsoft often needs to update the content of stock courses. An update can be as simple as fixing a typo, or as significant as changing the content to meet the requirements of a new regulation. For stock content, these updates happen automatically, but custom courses do not receive the updates.
In order to receive the latest updates, custom courses must be manually updated and then republished. The Content Configuration feature allows you to customize a course but still receive the updates, thus bypassing this costly and time-consuming process.

Use the Content Configuration feature to add one or more topics to a course. A topic can contain text, policy documents, or video files.
For linear courses, you can add topics to the beginning or end of the course. For composite courses, you can add topics to the beginning, middle, or end of the course.
- Text: Add text as an introduction or summary for a course. You can include an audio file to accompany any text you add.
Add text to your New Hire course to provide "What's Next" guidelines, or include contact information.
- Policy: The Policy can include a PDF or a link to an external document or site. You can also add text, and up to five attestation statements. At least one attestation statements is required if you are adding a policy document to a non-compliance course.
Add a PDF with your corporate policy to your workplace harassment course, and use the text area to provide additional information such as HR contacts. Add attestation statements that require the learner to confirm they read and understand the policy guidelines.
- Video: A topic can include a video. You can also add closed captions for the video.
Add a video to your New Hire course to provide a welcome message from your CEO and other company leaders.

You can change the name of any topic you add to a configuration.
- From the Content menu, select Content configuration.
- Locate the course configuration you want to edit. From the Action menu, select Edit.
- Select the edit icon next to the item you want to edit.
You can use the click and drag option to change the order of the topics you added.
For linear courses, you can only place your topics at the beginning or end of the Skillsoft topics For composite courses, you can place your topics anywhere within the course.

If a course is configured after the learner achieves completion, learners retain their completion.
If the learner relaunches the course after they complete it to review material, they will see the configurations but it does not impact their completion.

Learners with progress past the point where the content is added are forced to restart the course. The following examples help clarify this concept.
Example 1
A learner starts an unconfigured course, progresses half way through it, then closes the course.
You configure the course with an Introduction.
When the learner relaunches the course, they are forced to start over because they previously progressed past the introduction.
Example 2
A learner starts an unconfigured course, progresses half way through it, then closes the course
You configure the course with a Summary.
When the learner relaunches the course, their progress is unaffected because they have not progressed beyond the Summary. The learner can continue where they left off.
Example 3
You configure a course with a Summary.
A learner starts the course, progresses halfway through it, then closes it.
You modify the course configuration to add an Introduction.
When the learner relaunches the course, they are forced to start over because they previously progressed past the introduction.
Example 4
You configure a course with a Policy Document.
A learner starts the course, progresses halfway through it, then closes it.
You modify the course configuration to add Attestation Statements to the policy.
When the learner relaunches the course, they are forced to start over because they previously progressed past the attestation statements.
Example 5
You configure a course with a Policy Document.
A learner starts the course, progresses halfway through it, then closes it.
You modify the course configuration to change or update the policy.
When the learner relaunches the course, they are returned to their bookmark and their progress is saved. There is no indication that the policy was updated, however the learner can return to the policy section at anytime to review the updated policy.

Yes. If you have multiple audiences or use cases that require different course configurations, you can create multiple configurations for each course. To add multiple configurations:
- From the Content menu, select Content configuration.
- Locate the original Skillsoft course from the list and select More Actions
and select Add configuration.

You must find each language version of the course from the library list and Add a configuration for each one and add the translated versions of your for each configuration.
If you want to assign the configured course only once using the English version and allow the learner to automatically see the configuration in their own language, you must also supply Skillsoft with a language mapping that shows which configurations correspond to each other. If you do not supply the language mapping, learners see the English version of the configuration.

Your configuration is retained in the new interface. You will see your introduction, policy, or summary listed as a topic that you can edit.