About Logogram Characters
If your site uses logogram characters for languages such as Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, you must save your import file in the Unicode format.
To save a Unicode file
- Open the .csv file.
- Click File > Save As.
- Locate the file type drop down for your application and select Unicode Text (*.txt).
- Click Save.
- After you save the file, open it in a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad ++.
- Verify the following:
- The Header row is not wrapping and contains no special characters (e.g. parentheses, double quotes, line feeds); if the header row looks incorrect, you can remove it from the file.
- Logogram characters display as expected and are not displaying as question marks (“???”).
- The data is tab separated.
- The format is Unicode (Notepad++ or Notepad will show the file encoding in the UI).
See Upload and setup the File for information about the options to select when importing this file type.