Check Completion Status

You can check your completion status at any time by selecting the Completion Status link, located on the Course Menu, the Table of Contents, and on the Course and Lesson Test Summary Pages. Progress indicator screens show the necessary tasks that you must complete in order to complete the course (or test, for certain types of assessment content), with clear indications on what has and has not been completed.

Completion Status

There are three possible completion statuses:

What is a Task?

A Task is an item that you need to complete in order to complete the course. Some courses require you to complete multiple tasks, while some have only one. In certain courses, completion will be based on completing one task or the other. There can be up to three tasks, based on content visitation, testing, and duration, or the time you spend in the course. These tasks are labeled Task A, Task B, and Task C. Required tasks are dependent on how your training administrator has configured your site.

Note: While tasks usually have their own individual completion, some courses will have a combined completion task, based on completing either one task OR the other.

Task Options

  1. Visit All Content icon Visit All Content: Content refers to all of the pages contained in a course. In order to visit all of the course content, you must launch every lesson and go through all of the pages in each topic. When all content has been visited, the icon appears greyed out. Selecting the icon will launch you into the content to your last bookmarked page, whether this task has been completed or not.
  2. Testing Not Completed icon Achieve a score of __% on the course test: Some courses have a minimum score that you must achieve in order to complete a task. Selecting the icon will launch the Test Summary page, where you can view minimum score requirements, as well as other testing and completion information. Scores can be calculated one of the following ways:
  3. Time Spent in Course icon Time Spent in Course: Your course may have a duration criteria, where you must spend a specific amount of time in the course. This task only appears if a minimum time requirement for the course has been set. Time in course is recorded in one-minute increments. Selecting this icon will launch you into the course.